Friday, December 7, 2018

The Office

I know in an earlier post I talked about not liking television. Which is funny because the only other show I really watch is The Office. I am obsessed with this show. I really love this show because of the simple and stupid humor. The Office originally was created in the United Kingdom. There is an American version and I prefer the American version over the British one. Since I have binge watched the American version of The Office multiple times I decided maybe I should try and watch the UK version.There is only two seasons of the UK version unlike the American version that has nine seasons. I thought I could knock the UK version in a weekend. I was so wrong. I could barely get past the first episode. I figured I would like the UK version because both of the versions have the same producers. The story lines of the show are very similar, but with different character names.I think one of the main reasons I do not like the UK version is because the humor is different. I think this is because of the difference of culture. A culture is defined by the people and their surroundings. I think this is why the humor is different in the two versions. I personally do not find the UK version funny at all. In the US version of The Office my favorite character is Michael Scott the Regional Manager is Dunder Mifflin. Steve Carell is the perfect actor to play Michael Scott. His character in the show has a mean sense of humor, he is very self-centered but somehow charming. I think that because he is charming Michael always redeems himself and he comes off not so much as a jerk. From the episode I watched in the UK version the Regional Manager, David Brent is just flat out mean. I do not find him charming and maybe that is why I do not find his jokes as funny. I think that the UK version has a more crude sense of humor. I really think that the reason that the humor is different is just because of the difference in culture. I personally find that the humor on the American version is more everyday humor. I might have a bias because I originally watched the American version so that is why I like it more. It is also directed at the culture I grew up in so I relate to the humor more.I think that other people agree with me on the American version being better because it lasted seven more seasons than the UK version did. I think that one thing that brings more humor into the American version is that a lot of the scenes were improv. Which is awesome because the actors reactions are real. So if you like day to day humor and office pranks I highly recommend watching the American version of The Office. BRB going to restart The Office again!! 
Image result for michael scott gifs

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